What Tetra Tech whistleblowers have exposed is what the Hunters Point Community has been knowing and saying all along. As much as we thank them for coming forward, the work has only begun. We welcome anyone that has direct knowledge working for Tetra Tech, to come forward and work on the front lines with us to eradicate the practices and patterns of giant corporations practicing genocide by poisoning the communities of people of color.
Take it upon yourselves to google the articles being written about the horrendous covert operations that Tetra Tech employees are now starting to go to prison for. We will fight and we will fight long and hard. Whatever it takes to find justice for the Community of Hunters Point. We will upload as many articles as we can into this website for your convenience to educate about the lawsuit and the injustice perpetrated in the community.
Please share this website with everyone in the community. This is a lawsuit for and by the Community of Hunters Point. For now, we are limited to downloading and printing hard copies of the packet to join the lawsuit, found both on this website and gained through our email system we set up, but soon the documents will be available to fill out and sign digitally online here. Check back in a couple weeks. In the meantime, spread the word. The strength in numbers will be ever present in our journey for justice!!
We will continue to hold Town Hall Meetings within the Community to answer questions and explain the severity of the impact of the radioactive toxic materials everyone has been subjected to over many decades, but especially over the last 14 years, due to the false sense of security bestowed upon Hunters Point through the lies and deceit of Tetra Tech signing off on the soil being remediated and clean and safe.
Come to the Town Hall Meetings. I look forward to meeting you and moving forward, together!